Monday, February 27, 2012

fender new building work place is coming along dandy

photo above belongs to and taken by a fender photographer duderino.
photos below from my cele.

giant headstock and machineheads im sure going up somewhere

various large artist photos being hung up on the atriam wall

juke. box. heroooooo.

my new coworker friend carrie who is a delight...she sends me pics of gumby and goo in the mornings with different poses. awesome.

the atrium hall that they are/will decorate...theres large murals of a telecaster and a strat with song names now, but this was taken before.

apparently there is a nightclub and margaritas and in living color flygirls dancing in the distance
(thats called sarcasm. )

lunch laaaaaady land

back entry way ...

my cube wall of badassness and banter

and theres bruce...making the hernia face

more pics later..when i get a chance to get updates.