Saturday, May 30, 2009

"pull my daisy tip my cup all my doors are open up"-allen ginsberg, jack kerouac, and neal cassady

ahoy there. its been a while since i posted. thats cuz i had like food poisoning or something then i felt like i was hit by a bus then my mouth felt like gingivitus attack but it wasnt so i got antibiotics and it cured whatever i had then i started having anxiety issues. and i had relatives in town at the same time i was sick and it sucked because i couldnt take them around much & these cousins are awesome because they are close in age. so i was totally bummed at that. then i went to vegas. blah bla blah then we had OUR first EVER pods show at the TRUNKSPACE. which went totally awesome. we practiced like 2 hours beforehand and kept telling stragglers to come back later. ..the show begins later we say! ....and all my guy buds were like WHAT WERE YOU THINKIN you think tyson practices beating up evander holyfield before he gets in the ring! NO. he just bites his ear off for fun. but there was no biting ears off. no no. just some chicas jammin thier buns off. the question is, why do i always stand sideways or with my ASSets towards the audience. its like some sorta wierd jim morrison maneuver i dunno man. it was prob. the most funnest of fun showz ive played. I LIKED IT A LOT. our last song coulda went better. i broke the string on the i had to use the squier which didnt gimme the sound i liked with my noise scratchings. and i think jackies amp was bustin a nut. bustin a nut i say and spooging sounds all over. next time we will synch our amps betta. BUT thanks to emilys killer clanks and our lovely peers looking on while we shrieked and strummed away....all in all it was a success...and we cant wait to play plenty of more amongst the fine underground noisemakin folk. so thank you thank you for the fun. heres a few photogs of the gig. Ive noticed the trunk space has been very kind to the loud/punk/noise/experimental lovelies lately and the modified has been housing more folky/sophisticated noisemakers. the modified is cool and all, it be better if there was beer....but i say FUCK FOLK live (unless its like strange/kewl/etc) that should be for when your in the bedroom alone cleaning your room up or chillin on your bean bag crying about how that girl or boy from bikini lounge gave you that strange look when you said HOWDY PARTNA. ! ha . that didnt really happen. and look at me typing bout the bikini like im cool and actually hang out there. i prob only been there like 5 times. FUKIN POSER I AM! pshhhhh! he he BRING ON THE NOISE!

here are some pics. my dude took em. i wish i woulda taken some of all the bands that night because as always Fathers DAy rawked...followed by many sweet serenaders of sound.

and since i havent really interviewed/created zine 6 yet. due to unusal circumstances. just found out i have to move so ill be busy with that for june/july. ill post these random inspiring/funky/
gorgeous/kewl images from mags & a lot of neat blogs out there that ive found recently...

found this image browsing online. im not 100 percent the source...but i just love the rustic/southwestern old fashion laid back & havin fun appeal. when i was in vegas i went to this restaurant that was decorated with bright teals/reds/pinks/woods/yellows/whites/etc....that had a spanish-south western bohemic vibe. i kinda wanna decorate my new home like that sometime. more natural with spats of color....less girly glam....more homey...the restaurant was called was a rest/saloon it was awesome lookin. these pics dont do it justice below...

the interior of the booths...were cant see in the photo but up had this finely detailed flower design...mixed with the leathery feeling material and soft/netted looking material. real gorgeous in color...again these photos make it kinda drab/tacky looking. but in person...i was in awe. food was good too for breakfast.

i believe this image was from tokion mag. just thought it was wierd and spooky kewl. these would make great cassette tape art covers.

this may be from tokion or paper or ID mag...not sure. it was an image from my many scraps of mags. i dig the chics dress with black polka dotted socks. i could never pull that off though.

bubblegum chloe!

just like this mag headline pic. skaters & artists. how can you go wrong with that?

i believe this is from elle or vogue but not sure. i love the costumes in that movie. and the bubblegum colored hair with roses.

just some random cardboard food for thought i made long ago.

this arteest is badass from juxtaposition mag

another badass gary panter of pee wee play housssssse(image from juxtaposition mag. ) i like his studio working space mess below.

new wave eyes. the poppin colors are sweet.

this is a pic of a house from DWELL mag...that would make an awesome venue or house. or botique. or pretty much anything. probably best for hobbits. london hobbits.

sweeeeet red purse image from

image from poppytalk

from karlas closet blog. black & white fashion/grimey pics are the shits.

from decor8 blog. i like the simplistic white couch with the poppin pillow bright colors. and aged mirror.

red studded badass boots image from

from jonathan and annie home. their mantel is awesome with lots of beautiful crystal rocks...just lined up in a row. and i absolutely love thier black leather meets vinyl yet expensive lookin couch with the poppin painting in the back.

image from sincerely jules blog

this shop looks awesome with all the mirrors and light fixtures. image from sfgirlbythebay blog.

chloe image from le flash blog

mag images below from from karlas closet blog.

from alice point blog. i just dig the big studded belt

image from

next few items are sweet finds from that dress and butterfly necklace. i likes a lots.