Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The freaks of the industry And when you see us back stage be prepared to G

what am i doin right now?
glad you asked.
im cracking up at digital underground.
freaks of the industry.
and all its dirty naughty lyricalness.
but groovin to its beat.
(sometimes when im blah mode, i listen to old school hip hop to kick it up a notch)
what else am i doin.
well im obviously bored for im attempting to re-do my room.
i dont even know why. im hardly in it. not to say im out in about roamin the streets.
i do need to get out and roam dem streets. anyone wanna get some drinks on this weekend?
a lil buzz-bee-buzz. speaking of buzz, i mean bugs. (yes i had no transition here, obv. this transition is retarded. i was roamin on and came across this shop featuring this street arteest below (all images belong to miss bugs) and thought some of these were pretty neat. specially the melting bugs bunny. we all need a melting bugs bunny once in a while. not a real life one. thatd be sick. you sick fuk.

miss bugs

watched MY BEST FRIENDS GIRL last night on our friends blue ray...and im tellin you Dane Cook on blue ray. Not good lookin at all. I was like wtf is up with his face. and the pie wienersnitzle dude in american pie, whatshisface? was named Dusty in the movie. so i couldnt take it seriously because every time i heard "my name" aka "dusty" it made me want to stomp on some pigeons george kanstanza style. actually i wasnt really angry. i just felt like typeing stomping on pigeons george kanstanza style. well anyhoo this movie had kate hudsons character questioning if she should take the nice boy route or take a walk on the wild side. aparently she was "number of partners prude" like I and only slept with like a couple of dudes. yes there i said it. im practically virginal. sad. i know. im just penis picky. is it ok to be penis picky? since when was raw indie turning into my personal relationship file case # 456? can I say penis? PENIS PENIS PENIS. so now im thinkin. you know i really should be out there. jogging 5 am in the morning. running into dane cook look-alikes who pretend to be assholes to help out thier homies (its not making sense i know, it will once you see the movie, your not? ok well let me finish my godddamning rantin) and like getting my booty shakin on. moral of this story. dont watch relationship love story comedy chic flicks. it will fuc with your psyche and youll start listenin to thug luv bouncing your head daydreaming of lowriders and club hoppin all scantily clad like spreading your legs of love. hahahahah. IM JUST PLAYIN.

here is some picy picy pics... of my roomie roomie room in progress.

my scattered wall of art. i found the blue fured vintage gal. thought it be neat to turn her into a magic trick and chop her in half. underneath is a lil card/art pic from dame darcy. next to it is badhairmountain skateboardin 80s rockin luvin nerd boy character. next to that is my great grandma rosies doily turned into art project (inspired by with teal ribbon spellin out the work fuck. whats with my potty mouth? i just think the word is funny. i grew up in mormonville. let me spread the seed of fuck. theres too much talk of spreading in this post. keep the diseases to yourselfs all. next to that is a handwritten original poem by me (available at if you want something different for your room. its kinda pricey in my shop. i really wanna keep it thats why. ha.

what we have here is my squire strat that i actually like lately getting attacked by satan. later tonight i will be performing an exorcist.

purple hot rod deluxe with celestial speaks in the heazy. (look at me act like i know what im talkin aboot) i work with a bunch of boy guitar nerds. i cant help myself. some day i will be that "and her name was cassaaaandra" chic.

here we have a teeny weeni vintage pic of a dude i thought looked like a wannabe buddy holly. so i defaced (but kept the face) the pic and typed "oh weee oooo i look just like buddy holly" . why. because i can. and i did. and i did it well. because that is soo a wannabe buddy holly!

does anyone want this pic below? its sorta sittin around and needs a home. it was inspired by "major tom" song by peter schilling. a total nerd song. but spectacular. its alien she devil fembots takin over the world. one spooge gun at a time. email me if you want it. in exchange you can make me a art piece.

myspace music has the song in german? or alien code

speaking of doilys...
digging this frocks...;by ruby pearl.
id love to have a closet full of these and walk around barefooted. maybe with a wand. and grant you zelda hearts like the lil fairy nymphs on nintendo. but except id be a hippy shabby average sized fairy nymph with fake wand and papercut out hearts.