Monday, January 26, 2009

sometimes i dont know what to say or do. so maybe i should just sit back and keep on observing all the pretty things.

ill admit i didnt have a good week..things werent flowing right at work..
and i was just feelin bothered...bout nothing in particular..i think i was just lackin vitamins. i needed some spirited upliftings. thank god i took the day off to wander crown king...enjoy the fresh air..collected some rocks at the creek while gold panning. yes gold panning. my boy and i went gold panning. it was awesome. no gold was found...but spending the day away from an office computer with mother nature..refreshened my bones....i also been into ecclectic things lately. i wanna read more history/occult/girly word stuff (like pretty words in pretty poems)/science/study french sometime...or something. i feel like i am becoming dumber...and need to deflower my brain with enlightening/new shiz....and that life is a'flowin fast...and if i dont get a going/or stop to smell the roses and snap outta it..i may feel lost in its forever....i watch award shows with movie actors that accomplished wonderful things in the arts..and i see myself sitting here processing all day and blogging at nights. not that nothing is wrong with bloggings...i just want to become more and breathe more. or maybe i wanna do nothing at all. maybe i just wanna change of environment. experience the pretty in life. speaking of pretty...check out these cool treasures below...i bought a used 5 dollar sacred spirit drum cd to listen to somethin other than "rock and or roll alternative nation" and i must say chillin in the tub with insense and the sound of these drums...was relaxins.....i recommend...david and stevie gordooooooon. new age record label corporate sell outs ha j/k. i have no idea who these dudes are...but i dig the cd.

i found that native american print in vintage green frame along with the photo of vintage gals clownin around at a local antique shop. super cheap...the mini frame too was vintage ...i cut off the back stabalizers and hung em on the wall...the mini frame i put an old black and white publication photo of beauty pageant chics. the gold metal oval shaped frame i got at good will and put a card from jerome of a spanish missinary type sacred heart...thats decorated with tiny pink jewels and a beautiful graphic flower desined trim. the heart shape mirror was a recent fav find at the brass armidillo...put a few things up in your blank space in your bathroom..and you got your own lil "waaaanna get away" vanity/bath type space..relaxin, ecclectic, and cool

found this awesome tiny 7dollar i believe...may be more at the store i bought it from....roll on natural smelly mango heaven perfume...i cant wear perfume so this is perfect...for it is subtle yet sweetly striking at the same time.

todays artist spotlight:

there are a lot of photo takers of the dark/gloomy/weird abstract genre that are eye catching...due to its subject matter portrayed in odd awe-inspiring glimmer...however frankenkitty aka Mari Lowery, a Brooklyn based photographer....seems to have the mojo of all mojos when it comes to bringing life to the inanimate ....and morphing it into uncanny and surrealistic art visions. Her love for dolls, mannequins, masks, horrer characters such as Frankenstein, bunnies, gnomes, clowns, Coney Island and clouds..apparent in her work....could almost be mistaken as scenes from a demented fairytale ....i am in love with all her prints...especially the giant bunny walkin up the stairs, the oz-red slippers, and the doll assemblaged creatures (that remind me of syd the bullys creations in TOY STORY. also see, youll get the idea). below are some samples that belong to her. see her web portfolio for better viewing..these are just a few from her frankenkitty shop that belong to her.

stumbling upon her fav links section...i was drawn towards the flickr pages
of Snailbooty's mixed media. compared to this my collages are "kiddie stuff" and
i should just go crawl into a hole.....there is a lot goin on in these collages, but nothing seems
out of place...and it all flows artistically and imaginatively. like a fucked up comin book on acid.
i never taken acid, but i spose by looking at these collages, one can only imagine. im going to go have a beer now and drown in my sorrows of how unworthy i am compared to such collage doings below...all images belong to snailbooty...( dear snailbooty i hope u dont mind my promoting your wonderfullness..ill remove from page if you do)